Replica of Peabody's New National Combination Chronological, Analytical, Historical, and Pictorial Holy Bible
Replica of Peabody's New National Combination Chronological, Analytical, Historical, and Pictorial Holy Bible
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This is a Family and Study Bible from the 1884.
The photo is of the original currently being repaired, examined, and prepared for replication.
This Bible Contains:
Chronological, Analytical, Historical, and Pictorial Holy Bible:
- Old and New Testaments of King James
- American Standard arranged in parallel columns
- Marginal references
- Readings concordance
- Psalms in metre
William Smith's Standard Bible Dictionary:
- Explaining every word and subject together with The History and Classification of All the Books of the Bible and Contemporaneous History of All Bible Ages, Times, and Peoples
- The Lives of the Patriarchs, Kings, and Prophets
- The History of the Translation of the Bible
- The Cities and Towns of the Bible
- Wanderings in the Wilderness
- The Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple
- The History of the Holy Land
- The History of Jerusalem, the Life of Christ
- The Life of Saint Paul
- The History of All Religious Denominations of the World
The Biographies of the Reformers and Martyrs
- The Life of Jesus Illustrated and Explained,
- Proverbs of Solomon, Illustrated and Applied,
- Bible Text Events Illustrated, From Genesis to Revelation
The Chronologies Complete of the Whole:
- Covering Patriarchal and Prophetical ages
- The Jewish and Other National Ages
- The Kings and Prophets of Judah and Israel
- The High Priests of the Hebrew Age
- The Life and Labors of Jesus Christ
- The Life and Travels of Saint Paul with A Complete Tabular Analysis of the Bible
Maps, Tables, and Other Bible Helps
Embellished with over 2000 Fine Scripture Illustrations
Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1886, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.